Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do you appreciate your games?

Your PS3 X360 games will never be appreciated.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog online gaming while fun will at the same time destroy any possible nostalgia attached to the game when the servers shut down.  I have vivid and fond memories of playing contra with my brother on the NES specific bosses and levels we had trouble with etc.  It seems to me that games today just arent built that way.  They arent built to become a permanent spot in your memory but rather "Just get you to buy them".

How can you forever remember being fragged in multiplayer?  It never happens the same way twice and unless you're an idiot not even by the same person twice.  That in and of itself is cool that the game is always different...yet the same.  It was the repetition that created the vivid memories for me.  Single player in these newer games is usually an after thought.

It's funny the MMORPG and FPS multi player crowds for the most part shun and bag on facebook games but essentially you are doing the same thing.  You are playing online games with friends and people you don't know.  The scope and visual dynamics of the game don't really matter it is still essentially the same thing.

So because of the introduction of online aspects gaming will never be the same.  But because it is a temporary means of gaming (meaning that one day the servers go bye bye) it in effect creates a shallowness of the art.  Yeah Making a game is an art believe me anyone who hasnt tried it has no idea.  Art to me will always have some sort of permanence.  The Nike of Samothrace is as beautiful to me today as it was when I first saw it.  Megaman is not the same QUALITY as that Nike but again Megaman is as beautiful to me today as it was back then.

Games today simply will not have the lasting power of games of yesteryear.  Since there are a lot of clones and sameness it is hard to have one really stand out to last two decades from now.  Just think about that young gamers...two decades from now.  Your generic FPS games and hack and slashes won't stand out for worth a darn.  In fact in this throw away society that we are living in most of you young gamers won't even give a flying turtle's ass that those games you played so much are now retro.

I won't lecture any of you on "keeping it real" or having respect or bla bla bla.nah that aint me.  Some of you will appreciate the art of gaming and keep a retro PS3/X360 collection but most of you wont.  Most of you will have plenty of games downloaded from Steam onto your hard drive and either delete or uninstall them whatever.  There isnt a hard copy to keep anyway so how do you collect THAT?

The funny part? some of you are all like WHOA I LOVE GAMES I THINK THEYRE AWESOME I'LL FRAG YOUR NOOB ASS!!! WAAAAHHHH!!!!  usually you are the throw away type.  Usually you will also say "THAT GAME IS GAY! IT CAME OUT LIKE FIVE YEARS AGO THE GRAPHICS SUCK!!!!"  so no this type of person doesnt love games but only loves games that they love.  I love games my collection spans from pong consoles to current stuff.  I have great games that created a new standard in the industry and I also have titles that were so God awful that they were rounded up by its own developer and buried in the desert.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_video_game_burial  But If you love something you love all of it-forever.

I think you mean to say that you love PLAYING games and yes that is fine.  My brother loved playing games and doesnt retro collect.  However he also doesnt adhere to the modern epidemic of what I call "I'm online so now it's time to be a douchebag" I'll explain what I mean a little later.

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